Work Packages

The RESIST project is structured in 5 scientific Work Packages (WP 1-5) and 3 additional management / dissemination Work Packages (WP 6-8). Below is a diagram with these WPs and the connection between them. The goals and main tools of each scientific WP are provided below this diagram.

WP1: Local drivers of observed sea ice lows

Goal: estimate the pysical processes affecting the sea ice concentration tendencies prior and during a sea ice low.

Tool: NEMO-SI3 ocean-sea ice general circulation model run at different horizontal resolutions (1°, 1/4°, 1/12°).

WP2: Large-scale drivers of observed sea ice lows

Goal: discriminate the fraction of the summer sea ice anomalies that are due to preconditioning (initial conditions) vs. external drivers of sea ice variability (winds and SST).

Tool: EC-Earth3 atmosphere-ocean general circulation model run at 1° in the ocean and 80 km in the atmosphere.

WP3: Mechanisms responsible for sea ice lows in state-of-the-art climate models

Goal: test the dynamical causal dependencies between sea ice and its drivers and impacts.

Tool: Liang-Kleeman information flow method applied to large ensembles of climate model simulations, CMIP6 model outputs and model reconstructions.

WP4: Statistics of extreme sea ice events

Goal: derive robust statistics for the most extreme sea ice states in a state-of-the-art climate model.

Tool: rare event algorithm applied to EC-Earth3 model simulations.

WP5: Regional impacts of sea ice lows

Goal: assess the regional response of the atmosphere to sea ice lows in observations and climate models.

Tool: observations and climate models (EC-Earth3, large ensembles, CMIP6).